Throughout history, colors have held profound meanings and associations. Purple is a color deeply intertwined with royalty and Spirituality. This rich association extends to the gemstone amethyst, which has been cherished and utilized in royal regalia and significant spiritual ceremonies. In this article, we delve into the historical roots of purple's regal and spiritual significance, explore the usage of amethyst in royal jewels, and highlight notable instances when these elements have graced public functions and adorned celebrities.  

The Historical Significance of Purple

Ancient Origins:

The association of purple with royalty dates back to ancient civilizations, particularly Phoenicia (modern-day Lebanon). The Phoenicians were renowned for producing Tyrian purple, a dye made from the secretions of the Murex sea snail. The extraction of this dye was labor-intensive and required vast quantities of snails, making it incredibly rare and expensive to produce. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 Murex snails were needed to create just one gram of Tyrian purple dye. This rarity elevated the dye to a status symbol of immense value, making purple garments a luxury only affordable to the elite and the royal family. As a result, purple became synonymous with wealth, power, and high social standing.

Roman and Byzantine Empires:

In ancient Rome, purple was a potent symbol of imperial authority. Emperors wore togas adorned with Tyrian purple, a rare and costly dye restricted by law to its citizens and exclusively reserved for the emperor and high-ranking officials. Those who defied this law by wearing purple without authorization faced severe penalties, underscoring the color's exclusivity and reinforcing the emperor's divine right to rule.

In the Byzantine Empire, purple was similarly reserved for the imperial family. The phrase "born in the purple" signified noble birth, and "porphyrogenitus" was used to describe children born to reigning emperors, emphasizing their legitimate claim to the throne. This tradition highlighted the sacred and inviolable nature of imperial power.

Medieval and Renaissance Europe:

Purple was associated with royalty and the Church during the medieval and Renaissance periods. European monarchs and high-ranking church officials, such as bishops and cardinals, often wore purple robes during significant ceremonies. The dye's continued rarity and expense made purple a color of power and prestige. Monarchs such as Henry VIII of England and Louis XIV of France used purple to emphasize their divine right to rule and their supreme status above their subjects. Additionally, the Church's use of purple in vestments and ceremonial garments reinforced its authority and spiritual significance, creating a visual connection between earthly and heavenly power.

The Spiritual Significance of Purple

Religious Symbolism:

Purple holds a special place in various religious traditions. In Christianity, purple is used during Lent and Advent, symbolizing penance, preparation, and sacrifice. It is also associated with the Passion of Christ, representing suffering and resurrection. The Catholic Church often uses purple vestments and altar cloths during these liturgical seasons, creating a visual reminder of these periods' solemn and reflective nature. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, purple is similarly used during Great Lent and other penitential times, signifying humility and repentance. This widespread religious use of purple underscores its deep spiritual resonance and role in marking sacred time.

Mysticism and Spirituality:

Beyond Christianity, purple is linked to mysticism and Spirituality in many cultures. It is often associated with the crown chakra in Hinduism and Buddhism, symbolizing higher consciousness, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is considered the gateway to divine connection and universal awareness. Purple's association with this chakra emphasizes its role in transcending the physical realm and accessing higher states of being. In Western esoteric traditions, purple is also linked to magic and the occult, representing mystery, intuition, and the unseen forces of the universe. This multifaceted spiritual significance of purple highlights its universal appeal as a color of profound inner transformation and connection to the divine.

The Role of Amethyst in Royal and Spiritual Contexts

Amethyst, a violet variety of quartz, has been valued for centuries for its beauty and supposed spiritual properties. The stone's association with royalty and Spirituality enhances its allure and significance.

Ancient Beliefs and Uses:

Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that amethyst had protective properties, particularly against intoxication. The name "amethyst" itself comes from the Greek word "amethystos," meaning "not drunken." The stone was often used in drinking vessels and worn as amulets to ward off the effects of alcohol. Beyond its protective qualities, amethyst was also thought to promote clarity of mind and spiritual insight. Greek mythology tells the tale of the god Dionysus and the maiden Amethystos, whose transformation into a clear crystal, later stained purple by Dionysus's wine, gave rise to the gemstone's unique coloration and symbolic properties.

Medieval and Renaissance Europe:

In medieval Europe, amethyst was considered a symbol of royalty and religious piety. The gemstone adorned the regalia of kings and queens and the jewelry of high-ranking clergy. Its deep purple hue was believed to symbolize purity of spirit and divine favor. Amethyst was also associated with the virtue of sobriety and moderation, reflecting its ancient protective reputation. In the Christian tradition, amethyst was linked to the apostles and used in ecclesiastical rings and crosses. The gemstone's combination of beauty, rarity, and spiritual significance made it a cherished addition to royal and religious collections, further cementing its status as a symbol of power and devotion.

Amethyst in Royal Jewels

British Crown Jewels:

One of the most notable collections of royal jewels featuring amethyst is the British Crown Jewels. Amethysts can be found in several pieces, including brooches, necklaces, and tiaras. Members of the British royal family often wear these jewels during state occasions and official ceremonies. For example, the Kent Amethyst parure, a set of matching amethyst jewelry, has been a part of the royal collection for centuries. Queen Victoria often wore the Kent Amethysts, which continue to be worn by contemporary royals. The presence of amethyst in these historically significant jewels underscores its enduring association with elegance and regality.

Amethyst Jewellery in Other Monarchies:

Amethyst has also been a favorite in the royal collections of other European monarchies. For instance, the Swedish royal family possesses a remarkable set of amethyst parure, which includes a tiara, necklace, earrings, and brooches. These pieces are often worn during royal weddings and state banquets, highlighting their significance in royal tradition. The Danish and Dutch royal families also boast exquisite amethyst jewelry regularly seen during formal events. These collections reflect amethyst's widespread appeal and historical importance across various royal households, further establishing its status as a gemstone of majesty and beauty.


Top 5 Royal Women who wear Amethyst 


Queen Mary's Amethyst Tiara is a stunning piece of royal jewelry that exemplifies the elegance and historical significance of amethyst in royal collections. Crafted in the early 20th century in the United Kingdom, this tiara features a series of oval-cut amethysts set in a design of scrolls and festoons, interspersed with diamonds. 

 Queen Mary, known for her exquisite taste and passion for collecting fine jewelry, frequently wore the amethyst tiara at formal occasions and state events. Notable appearances include the State Opening of Parliament in London and various diplomatic receptions, where Queen Mary showcased the tiara's beauty and her regal bearing. This piece not only highlights the allure of amethyst but also reflects Queen Mary's role in reinforcing the British monarchy's image of grandeur and sophistication. The tiara remains a cherished heirloom within the royal family, symbolizing the enduring legacy of amethyst in royal adornment and its association with nobility and refinement.

2. Queen Elizabeth II's Amethyst Jewellery:

Queen Elizabeth II has been seen wearing amethyst jewelry on several significant occasions. One notable instance was during the State Opening of Parliament, where she adorned an amethyst necklace and earrings, complementing her regal attire. These appearances highlight amethyst's continued relevance and elegance in modern royal events. The Queen's choice of amethyst showcases the gemstone's timeless beauty and connects contemporary royal fashion with historical traditions. By wearing amethyst, Queen Elizabeth II honors the legacy of her predecessors while adding her own touch of grace and sophistication.

3. The Duchess of Cambridge:

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has also been spotted wearing amethyst pieces. Her choice of amethyst jewelry during public engagements and official functions showcases the gemstone's enduring appeal and versatility in contemporary royal fashion. Whether attending a charity event or participating in a state banquet, the Duchess's amethyst accessories add a touch of elegance and refinement to her outfits. Her preference for amethyst also highlights the gemstone's adaptability, seamlessly blending with modern and traditional styles. This modern usage of amethyst by prominent royals underscores its lasting relevance and ability to enhance the splendor of royal appearances.

4. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands:

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is another royal who has embraced the beauty of amethyst jewelry. She wore a stunning amethyst tiara and matching parure during state banquets and official ceremonies. Her choice of amethyst jewelry complements her vibrant and colorful fashion sense, adding a regal and sophisticated touch to her ensemble. Queen Maxima's use of amethyst showcases the gemstone's versatility and its ability to enhance the elegance of royal attire.

5. Princess Madeleine of Sweden:

Princess Madeleine of Sweden has also worn amethyst jewelry, particularly during formal events and state occasions. Her preference for amethyst adds a touch of glamour and sophistication to her appearance, highlighting the gemstone's timeless appeal. The Swedish royal family's extensive collection of amethyst jewelry, including tiaras, necklaces, and brooches, is often showcased during significant royal events, underscoring the gemstone's importance in their regalia.

Amethyst in Celebrity Fashion

Amethyst jewelry is not limited to royalty; it has also made its mark in the world of celebrity fashion. Several high-profile celebrities have been spotted wearing amethyst pieces, further cementing the gemstone's status as a symbol of elegance and sophistication.

Elizabeth Taylor:

“Jewellery has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.”

– Elizabeth Taylor


The late Elizabeth Taylor, renowned for her impeccable taste in jewelry, was often seen wearing amethyst pieces. Her famous jewelry collection included an exquisite Bulgari amethyst necklace she frequently wore to glamorous events and Hollywood parties. Taylor's love for amethyst and her ability to effortlessly incorporate it into her style have inspired many jewellery enthusiasts and collectors.


Jennifer Lopez:

Jennifer Lopez is another celebrity who has embraced amethyst jewelry. She has been wearing stunning amethyst earrings and rings on various red carpet-occasions. Lopez's choice of amethyst complements her bold and glamorous fashion sense, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to her look. Her preference for amethyst highlights the gemstone's versatility and ability to enhance modern and classic styles.

Kate Hudson:

Kate Hudson has also been spotted wearing amethyst jewelry, particularly during high-profile events and award shows. Her choice of amethyst pieces adds a touch of glamour and refinement to her outfits, showcasing the gemstone's timeless appeal. Hudson's use of amethyst jewelry underscores its ability to complement various fashion styles and trends, making it a celebrity favorite.


Purple and the gemstone amethyst have long been symbols of royalty and Spirituality. Their significance has transcended time and culture from ancient civilizations to modern monarchies. The rarity and beauty of Tyrian purple dye and the spiritual properties attributed to amethyst have cemented their place in royal regalia and religious ceremonies. Today, they continue to captivate and inspire, adding a touch of historical grandeur and spiritual depth to royal appearances and significant events.

As we reflect on the storied past of purple and amethyst, we are reminded of the enduring power of Symbolism and tradition in shaping our cultural and spiritual landscapes. Whether adorning the crowns of kings and queens or gracing the altars of sacred spaces, purple and amethyst remain timeless emblems of majesty and divine connection; their continued presence in royal jewels and significant public functions attests to their lasting impact and the rich legacy they represent. The interplay of color, gemstone, and tradition weaves a narrative of human history as vibrant and multifaceted as the amethyst itself. 

Shop our Amethyst Jewellery here.
